The silver lining mentioned the other day has proven to exist, and, lo and behold, we are on the cusp of being able to begin work! Montgomery County's Planning Department deemed our roof to be not of an historic nature, so even though we do have to deal with a two-week delay in having them consider our application, the roof no longer has to be part of the application at all. In other words: we can just go to the permits office and get a permit to work on the roof, without any further ado from the County. Huzzah! I've submitted the specs for our shingles to Amy with MHT, who assured
me the turnaround would be "faster than the full EC review," so our fingers are crossed that in the next few days Rory'll be able to start assembling the forces to tear the old roofing off. (Note to Tim, my contractor cousin: I made a mistake and we'll actually be reusing the same porch shingles that are on there now, but thanks for the heads up!)
I'm still miffed at the permits office, but their director did reply to my email saying she was looking into how the application fell between the cracks, and that's all I can really hope for. Even if they had Rick Perryd the situation with an "oops," they wouldn't have been able to include us on the December 7 agenda, since Maryland Open Meetings Laws require one-week notice of all stuff like this, and the agenda had already been sent out to the local papers. Oh well. This might actually allow us to start the roof a bit earlier than we would have anyhow. (I'm just hoping that the County's determination that the roof is not historic will not prevent them from reimbursing us when it comes time to show them our finished product. My feeling is we're still fine on that.)
Isaac & my parents with Justice, by the Italian Villa |
As an aside, I failed to mention the other day that another of our neighbors has begun construction on their home. The Swiss Chalet-- the house that initially brought us to look at Forest Glen-- now has work humming along. When I went by with my parents on Monday, we saw all the old windows had been removed, all the decrepit railings were gone, and I think there was even new siding, although I'm not sure. Jealous they got a jump on us, but glad for them just the same.
Leo, Isaac, and Theo |
My parents coming by was an interesting event. We had one full day together post-Thanksgiving, so I was able to show them the place for the first time, Isaac in tow. You could tell they were thinking "Gregory & Abby are (still?) nuts," but I think it was with more appreciation for our nuttiness than the last time around, when we bought our current house. (I think the neighborhood maybe makes up for it?) Don't worry, Mom & Dad, this place will be great when we are finished. That said, the Beltway was louder than it ever was before, which was a bit annoying. Sure, it was Monday rush hour, but I kept on glaring at the road as if to request it shut up for a few moments while my parents were here... You might say that was futile, but remember, I am the king of anthropomorphism, so you never know. Anyhow, I think they really enjoyed the grounds, and hopefully are giving us the benefit of the doubt on the house-- at least for now!
Great Room sans lions |
It was also the first time I saw the house without the lions in it, which was cool, since I could walk around unimpeded in my own living room for the first time. The lions are on their pedestals next to the house, with a sign noting they need to be repaired, and people shouldn't sit on them. (You never saw the pics of my kids sitting on them.) (Honest, Bonnie, that was before we knew they were made of zinc!)
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